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Apply To TEAM

Next Open House: Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

Since TEAM School offers rolling admission, there may be a spot available for your child in the current school year.

Get in touch to arrange to meet with one of our principals for a campus tour. 

Call the school at 905-279-7200 or complete the form below.

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Admissions Process

Admission to TEAM School begins with a visit to a school Open House or with a direct inquiry. Open Houses are scheduled throughout the year. Following the initial contact, the school requests the child's school reports, related documentation, and an assessment fee of $200. Following a favourable review of the documentation provided, an appointment will be set up between the parents and one of the school administrators. If the school and the parents/guardians are in agreement, the child will be invited to spend a day at the school as a guest. After this “visit day”, parents will be contacted for a follow-up discussion with one of the school administrators.

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Admissions Process (International Students)

Given that distance may be a factor for prospective international students, the admissions process generally begins with a telephone or email inquiry. Following this initial contact, we request each student's school reports and related documentation, which must be translated into English, and a $200 admissions fee. Once the information has been received and reviewed by the school, we will arrange a reference call with the student's English language teacher. If possible, the prospective student attends a visit day. If this is not possible, a virtual meeting with the student and a school administrator may be requested. Finally, there is follow-up communication between the school and the family. 

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Contact TEAM School

275 Rudar Road

Mississauga, L5A 1S2



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